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ThrowbackThursday: Ultimate Autographs Finds Success with First Public Autograph Signing

ThrowbackThursday: Ultimate Autographs Finds Success with First Public Autograph Signing

Normally on #ThrowbackThursday, we like to talk about historical events in sports history. This week we're going to shift the focus from the athletes to you, the fans.

That's because you guys and gals made our first public autograph signing a huge success. We brought in two Chicago Bears fan favorites in Lance Briggs and Matt Forte and were extremely happy with the response we received from both the fans along with the athletes.

We knew it was going to be a great day when our first pre-order check-in was at 12:30 p.m., nearly an hour before we suggested people to show up. Fans lined up in droves to get their pre-orders, ask what was going on and even purchasing add-ons to their orders. Our sales team did an amazing job running the front end between taking walk-up orders, ensuring people received their pre-order tickets and selling product to fans walking by.

The feedback we received was almost unanimously positive from fans both during and after the event. Lance Briggs and Matt Forte were equally impressed as they were shocked to hear this was in fact, our first public signing event.

Public signings are a new venture for us at Ultimate Autographs and we hoped we proved that we're more than ready to handle the organization it takes to put something on like this. We want our fans to have the best experience possible at our events and look forward to bringing even more talent in the future.

If you couldn't make it, don't fret. We still have some limited quantities remaining on items that were signed by Lance Briggs & Matt Forte. Check out our Chicago Bears listings to see what's still available.


Chicago Bears stars Lance Briggs and Matt Forte

Previous article Top 20 Quarterbacks of the 21st Century: 1 - 10

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